symbol mapping

英 [ˈsɪmbl ˈmæpɪŋ] 美 [ˈsɪmbl ˈmæpɪŋ]

网络  符号映射



  1. The address to symbol name mapping allows Tprof to assign ticks by module and subroutine.
  2. Address to symbol name mapping is then performed by the a2n shared library, with the help of the jprof tool for Java code.
  3. Data sharing between gis platforms based on symbol mapping
  4. The general-purpose modulation arithmetic based on software radio, symbol mapping and the realization of pulse shaping filter are discussed.
  5. The study of software of surface symbol in the modern thematic mapping system
  6. Based on symbol dynamics in 1-D piecewise linear mapping chaotic systems, an arithmetic method processing chaotic signals is studied in the paper, including addition, subtraction and multiplication.
  7. The authors have proofed that the map symbol pgf ( A__) is the homeomorphism of mapping object A__ according to the theorem of set continuity which gives the mathematical basis for the space cognition of maps.
  8. It is implemented that TS is mapped into invariant symbol rate under multi-constellation mapping mode.
  9. As symbol is considered as the language of map, map would mean nothing without it. Undoubtedly automatic map symbolization is an important part of automatic map compilation and even automatic digital mapping.
  10. The COFDM modulation part is made up of blocks partition, COFDM symbol forming, DQPSK symbol mapping, frequency interleaving, difference modulation and COFDM modulation and so on.
  11. The area symbol's automatic plotting plays an important role in the thematic mapping systems.
  12. Development and Application of the Vectorized Symbol System of Digital Mapping
  13. In the proposed system, based on the soft symbol to bit mapping technique, we first get the soft bit information from the received signals and then send them to the binary turbo decoders.
  14. The soft symbol to bit mapping technique is an effective way to combine the multilevel modulation and binary decoding.
  15. In this paper, a novel method for number to symbol conversion, which is called the multi level mapping method, is proposed.
  16. The label, symbol and materials 'texture of the equipment were presented by color texture mapping technique.
  17. The map symbol database is an very important part in Digital Mapping System and Geographic information system.